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Monday 03 Oct 2022

Here in Florida, it can be difficult to maintain your property's water systems. As one of the premier pond and lake management companies in Florida, we hear a lot of clients asking about what they can do to more naturally maintain their water's delicate ecosystem. These waterways can be great habitats and provide resources for fish, birds, wildlife, and livestock. So, of course, keeping them clean - and green - is imperative.

But how to do it? Here are five ways we recommend for naturally maintaining the open bodies of water on your property.

Use Algaecide or Herbicide On Weeds and Algae Bloom

Herbicide and algaecide can be helpful in dire circumstances, but they can potentially be toxic. They sometimes also treat the symptoms rather than the problem itself. However, when the need is absolutely intense, they can fight back against freshwater nutrient pollution. Just go sparingly if possible.

Stop Nutrient Pollution With Natural Solutions

An abundance of nutrients in a freshwater body can be detrimental to the pond or lake's ecosystem. Going a more natural route ensures that you can combat nutrient overload without adding any sort of toxins to the system. These methods are safe for humans, animals, fish, crops, and, on the whole, the environment. You can safely splash around in the pond or catch a fish without worry.

Not only is this more natural, but these methods can be more cost-effective as your water becomes all the healthier.

Use Natural Bacteria and Enzyme Blends To Deter Excess Nutrients

An all-natural bacteria and enzyme blend can combat excess nutrients in the water. These products aren't just easy to use, but they are safe and eco-friendly, too. But you need to use the right blend. When your water is struggling with nutrient pollution, it will require bacteria that are ravenous when it comes to consuming nitrates and phosphates. Enzymes will break down organic matter, allowing bacteria to consume excess nutrients.

Of course, not all bacteria are meant to deal with nutrient pollution. You'll need to look for high-quality products with a good market reputation, and you should always follow the directions given on the label.

Add Aeration To Treat Pond Problems

Aeration is a method that involves adding oxygen to water, which improves the oxygen:dissolved oxygen ratio. The oxygen tit provides helps facilitate organic matter decomposition, keeps weeds and algae away, fends off carbon dioxide and nasty odors, lessens fish kill risk and improves their overall health, and lessens growth of insect larvae.

You can choose from either bottom-up aeration and surface aeration. Bottom-up aeration aerates water from the pond bottom and is about 8-10 times more efficient. Oxygen is able to better mix with water and give it a filtration system effect. Suspended debris gets picked up by bubbles, burning excess organic debris off. This can help avoid fish kills and makes the ecosystem a whole lot healthier.

Popular types of bottom-up aeration include windmills, electric aerators, and solar aerators. Windmills are great if you don't have access to electricity and are totally green energy. Electric aerators work if you have electricity within 1000 feet and the pond is in a valley that doesn't get much wind. Solar aerators are Florida-friendly since they require constant sunshine, and they are also a fully green source of energy.

Surface aeration is not so efficient, requiring at least twice the energy, leading to higher costs. Their seals can break down over time, which leads to water seeping into the motor casings. While these systems can help with fountains, they might not be ideal for your lake.

Be Diligent In Water Maintenance

Whatever you choose to do, it is important to remain vigilant with your water maintenance. Solar aerators, electric aerators, and windmills are all eco-friendly ways to keep your pond or lake free and clear from excess nutrients, which can result in algae and insect infestations. Keep up on your new, green system and don't hesitate to reach out and ask for help getting your water cleaned up.

111 61st Street East
Palmetto, FL 34221

2294 Bruner Lane
Ft Myers, FL 33912

4830 West Kennedy Blvd. Suite 600
Tampa, FL 33609

18735 East Colonial Drive, Suite 228,
Orlando, FL 32820
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